Starsector Cheats
starsector cheats


You can find the official forum thread for this mod, including installation instructions, here. If the state of the game changes where we are able to create a trainer it will be listed on our requests page.This is the repository for the Console Commands mod, an unofficial developer's console for Fractal Softworks' indie space combat game Starsector. We previously evaluated this title and a trainer was not possible or the game is multiplayer/online only so it has been marked as RETIRED. We currently dont have any Starsector trainers, cheats or editors for PC.

Such an awesome game needs an awesome trainer. Setting up your development environmentstarsector. The remainder of this readme is for those who wish to contribute to this mod's development.

starsector cheats

BOI you have a problem with ur aggression and maybe should seek out someone to help. Just bc someone wants a little cheat in a singleplayer game is no reason for accusing him/her/it of cheating in online games. If someone cheats in a singleplayer game none of your frickin business.

Starsector Cheats Download Is Necessary

Make sure you grab the JDK and not the JRE! Any JDK >= 7 should work. Download and install the Java Development Kit (JDK), found here. On Linux the command line version is almost universally included in the base OS package, so no additional download is necessary.To download and build the mod, follow these steps: You will need to manually set a few properties, but that will be covered later.For Git, many programs are available for those who prefer a GUI, but often developers prefer to use the command line version.

Gradle should be able to compile the mod without a plugin, but you might not have editor support for Kotlin syntax. The Kotlin plugin is only required if you intend to work on one of these files. If you are using Eclipse or Netbeans, you may also want to search for and install the Kotlin plugin (IntelliJ includes native Kotlin support).

Be aware that this will make it far more difficult to submit patches and keep your repository up to date, so it's highly recommended to use Git if you intend to contribute. Alternatively, if you don't wish to use Git you can download the repository manually using this link. If you prefer to use the command line, you can also clone the repository by opening a command prompt or terminal, navigating to your chosen folder, and running git clone. If your IDE does not support importing from GitHub and you are using a Git GUI, most allow you to simply right-click an empty folder and clone a repository there using the context menu. Most IDEs allow you to import a project directly from an online repository.

As stated above, the generated mod folder will be placed in build/mod by default. /gradlew (on Linux/Mac) in a command prompt or terminal and Gradle will do all of the work of compiling and assembling the mod for you. The generated mod folder will be placed in build/mod (this can be changed in if you wish for it to use your actual mod folder).If you don't use an IDE, simply run gradlew.bat (on Windows) or. The Gradle task to build the mod is, oddly enough, named 'buildMod'. These properties are used by Gradle to find the libraries needed to build the mod.That's it, you should be set and ready to compile! Provided you have a Gradle plugin installed, your IDE should be capable of opening the file build.gradle as a project. Open this file and set the first property to point at your JDK's root folder, and the next two properties to point at your Starsector install folder (or starsector-core on Windows) and LazyLib jar respectively.

Starsector Cheats Code Can Be

These will be copied over to the generated mod folder using the buildMod task.Any extra files that should be included in the jar should go in src/main/resources. Classes can freely reference each other regardless of language, with some caveats.Loose mod files such as mod_info.json can be found in src/main/mod. All command implementations should be written in Java, but any other class is coder's choice. The source code can be found in src/main with separate directories for each language. Working with the codeConsole Commands' codebase is mainly Java, with a few core components written in Kotlin.

Submitting contributionsTODO: describe the workflow of forking, cloning, branching, and submitting a pull request.

starsector cheats